What I learned from my Psilocybin experience

A couple of weeks ago, I did a therapist-led Psilocybin (mushroom) experience. Those who have known me for a while might be surprised to hear this. As my mum said, “That doesn't sound like you, Lee!”

As a lifelong athlete, I have avoided recreational drugs, rarely drink alcohol, and am meticulous about what I consume (with the exception of the odd dessert or 3….).

However, I’ve been following the research on various compounds as therapeutic, emotional healing, and growth aids. I have been drawn to trying new things outside my usual comfort zone and experiences.

So here I was, having the equivalent of 4 grams of psychoactive mushrooms and trusting the medicine would give me the experience I needed. I will share I was both frightened and yet able to trust my therapist and the process he had created for me.

So what came up?

Let’s start with what I THOUGHT would happen…

I thought the experience would be letting go of my difficult childhood and especially the relationship with my narcissistic and sociopathic father. And while this appeared briefly, that was not the experience I got.

Instead, my experience was one of love, about my love for others, the love I want to create in this world as a way of empowering others to step into their full potential and impact, and the deep love I have for my family, friends, and especially my wife Sara and our dog Rhea.

I also realized how my envy of others' success and fear of not being worth listening to have kept me from sharing my full wisdom.

That stops now! I commit to sharing my entire self, just as I support the founders, leaders, and companies I work with in doing the same.

Sharing your thoughts and knowledge on social media can feel very vulnerable. I embrace that vulnerability, promise to lift the curtain, and invite you all into my process.

As I enter the 50th year of my journey as a human, I own the wisdom I have to share. From the challenges I’ve faced, my deep desire for continued growth, and my innate desire to learn more.


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