The people and leaders I admire the most

…are those who search for and see the best in others.

That generosity of spirit and vision has a significant impact on culture.

I still fondly remember one of my first managers back in my real estate career. He had such an encouraging and uplifting presence. He genuinely cared about me as a human and helping me succeed. He celebrated my wins as if they were his.

Often, as high achievers, we can fall into the trap of thinking we need to “push” others to their full potential instead of the more effective path of inviting them to be their best selves.

Most of us can remember someone who left us feeling better about ourselves in their presence. 

That’s what admired leaders do: They elevate everyone around them, see their employee's potential, support their growth, and, importantly, constantly celebrate wins and what their people are already doing well.

When, as a leader, you can see your team for who they are and skillfully recognize what they do well, they will be way more receptive to growth and opportunity feedback and coaching.

When people know you have their best interests and well-being at heart, they flourish personally and professionally.

How can you better recognize your team and what they do? What are you doing to lift those around you, to truly appreciate them and their goodness?

What processes have you put in place to become an admired leader?


I’m worried that being coached will make me soft….


Can you please just tell me what to do?!